主演: Brian May / The Crickets / Hank B. Marvin / Joe Walsh / David Gilmour / Gary Moore / Ronnie Wood / Albert Lee / Paul Rodgers
简 介:
每个玩吉他的人一定有听过 FENDER 电吉他,这个让 Jimi Hendrix、Eric Clapton 等巨星爱不释手的吉他品牌,在摇滚乐中佔有不可磨灭的地位。 2004年,为庆祝 FENDER 吉他厂牌成立50周年,于伦敦邀请了世界上最伟大的吉他手齐一堂,包括了 EAGLES 老鹰合唱团吉他手 Joe Walsh、QUEEN 皇后合唱团的 Brian May、PINK FLOYD 平克佛洛伊德乐团的 David Gilmour、ROLLING STONES 滚石合唱团的 Ron Wood、THE SHADOWS 乐团的 Hank Marvin、GENESIS 创世纪乐团、MIKE + THE MECHANICS 麦克与机械师合唱团的 Mike Rutherford、吉他大师 Gary Moore 等现场即兴演出,让台下数万歌迷看的如痴如醉,堪称近年来最大的吉他摇滚盛宴!
01."Peggy Sue" - The Crickets, Albert Lee and Brian May
02."Maybe Baby" - The Crickets, Albert Lee and Brian May
03."I Fought The Law" - The Crickets, Albert Lee and Brian May
04."Oh Boy" - The Crickets, Albert Lee and Brian May
05."That’ll Be The Day" - The Crickets, Albert Lee and Brian May
06."The Rise And Fall Of Flingel Bunt" - Hank Marvin
07."Sleepwalk" - Hank Marvin
08."Apache" - Hank Marvin
09."Im On My Way" - Theresa Andersson
10."Country Boy" - Albert Lee and Theresa Andersson
11."How Long" - Mike Rutherford and Paul Carrack
12."All Along The Watchtower" - Mike Rutherford and Paul Carrack
13."While My Guitar Gently Weeps" - Mike Rutherford and Paul Carrack
14."I Cant Dance" - Mike Rutherford and Paul Carrack
15."Red House" - Gary Moore
16."Angel" - Jamie Cullum
17."Stronger Than Me" - Amy Winehouse
18."Muddy Water Blues" - Paul Rodgers
19."Drinking" - Paul Rodgers featuring Jasmine & Steve Rodgers