更早 内地 无损音乐 [1995-04-16]吴蛮(Wu Man) 《中国琵琶(Chinese Music For The Pipa)》[FLAC][248MiB]

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专辑中文名: 中国琵琶

专辑英文名: Chinese Music For The Pipa

艺术家:吴蛮 Wu Man

音乐类型: 民乐

资源格式: FLAC

版本: [Nimbus NI 5368]

发行时间: 1995年

地区: 美国

唱片公司:Nimbus Records Limited

唱片编号:NI 5368


  吴蛮,这位北京中央音乐院毕业的琵琶高材生,现在是在纽约最红的中国音乐演奏家。这张专《Chinese Music For The Pipa》里主要是传统琵琶独奏曲目,如《霸王卸甲》、《月儿高》之类,但还收了一首现代作品,陈怡的《点》。《点》据说是用了琵琶复杂的指法技巧和秦腔中的苦音来表达楷书中永字八法的笔势。然而曲式不够明晰,起承转合分不出来,用心聆听之后仍难有什么印象。吴蛮的琵琶弹奏稳当,有自信,对现代音乐也有难得的掌握,听得出是非常用心的演奏家。 

“The pipa is a pear-shaped lute with four strings. The common tuning is A, D, E, A. It has six wedge-shaped frets, as well as twenty-six smaller bamboo frets used for higher positions on the upper strings.

Of the many traditions of Chinese instrumental music, the art of the plucked lute pipa has thrived in the 20th century. Much of its solo music is intimate and refined. Its main heritage is that of the traditional educated elite of imperial dynasties, and it is on a par with that of the noble zither qin, closely linked to the self-cultivation of calligraphy, painting, and Chinese chess. Still, it can also reveal a more earthy, folk style, perhaps derived from its role in regional folk ensemble music and as accompaniment to narrative-singing. Despite the Confucian ideals of harmony and moderation, pipa music is capable of expressing extremes of mood, and WU Man exploits to the full the gamut of expression, by turns tender, elegant, steadfast, and frenetic. These moods are often evanescent, and flexibility of tempo is important: a semi-improvisatory 'free-tempo' is common.” 





└─[1995-04-16]吴蛮(Wu Man).-.《中国琵琶(Chinese Music For The Pipa)》.专辑.[FLAC]

    │  01  PORTADA.jpg

    │  Chinese Music for the Pipa.txt

    │  [Nimbus NI 5368]Wu Man - Chinese Music for the pipa.txt

    │  [Nimbus NI 5368]吴蛮 Wu Man - 中国琵琶(Chinese Music for the pipa).txt

    │  中国琵琶.txt

    │  吴蛮(Wu Man).-.《中国琵琶(Chinese Music For The Pipa)》.专辑.[CH].cue

    │  吴蛮(Wu Man).-.《中国琵琶(Chinese Music For The Pipa)》.专辑.[EN].cue

    │  吴蛮(Wu Man).-.《中国琵琶(Chinese Music For The Pipa)》.专辑.[FLAC].flac



            01  PORTADA.jpg






            12  TRASERA.jpg



01. 灯月交辉    [0:05:21.37]

02. 武林遗韵    [0:14:16.38]

03. 霸王卸甲    [0:10:26.37]

04. 陈隋古音    [0:12:13.00]

05. 虚籁(刘天华)    [0:06:27.38]

06. 月儿高    [0:13:31.00]

07. 点(陈怡)    [0:08:56.00]

01. Dengyue jiaohui (Lanterns and the moon competing in brilliance)    [0:05:21.37]

02. Wulin yiyun (Ancient melodies of Wulin)    [0:14:16.38]

03. Bawang xie jia (The tyrant removes his armour)    [0:10:26.37]

04. Chen Sui (Chen and Sui dynasties)    [0:12:13.00]

05. Xu Lai (Sounds of nature, by LIU Tianhua, 1929)    [0:06:27.38]

06. Yue'er gao (The moon is high)    [0:13:31.00]

07. Dian (The Points, by CHEN Yi, 1991)    [0:08:56.00]

[百度云盘][1995-04-16]吴蛮(Wu Man).-.《中国琵琶(Chinese Music For The Pipa)》.专辑.[FLAC][248MiB]                            被夹不补 遇者有缘                    提取码: 88bt


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